Thursday, April 17, 2008

What exactly IS a Gifting Program?

Ok, I figured that a good place to start is to explain exactly what a gifting program is and the basics of how it works.

The essence of gifting program is that you must be willing to give in order to receive. The beauty is that you give once, and then receive forever.

Here it s a quick overview of how the program is a bit more complex then this, but I'll give you the "quick and dirty" just to give you an idea. Once you decide to join, to qualify to receive gifts, you must do 3 things.
  1. Give a gift,
  2. complete the application process (this basically confirming that you gave your gift and filling out the paperwork to set up your profile).

At this point you are given a customized website and all you do is drive people to it. The website gives them the full tour, the gifting program staff fields all the questions, and when the first person joins, you have fulfilled the 3rd requirement because your 1st person goes to your sponsor. This means you are qualified and from that point on, anyone you drive to your site and ends up joining will be required to mail you (via overnight courier like UPS or FedEx) CASH!!!

Now, there is one more thing that I feel is the most incredible part of this program. If you only get 2 people to join (1 for your sponsor for you to qualify, and one person under you) there is the potential to get paid forever just on that one person. Now, you can't just get one person under you and stop and still expect to make money long term, but conceptually it works, let me explain...

Everyone that comes in under you is REQUIRED to give you their first person. Sorry if this is confusing, its hard to explain...they do a better job of explaining it on the site.....but lets look at an example...

You have broken away from your sponsor (qualified) and you then get your buddy, Mike join. He gives you a gift and gets Tom to join.

YOU get Tom and Mike breaks away from you.

So You get Tom - he gives you a gift and you get Tom's first person (Tom then breaks away from you), that gives you a gift and their first person...and so on and so on forever.

This is all from personally recruiting only one person under you. You obviously can't just stop at 1 person under you, but there is potential to make money off of every person that joins under you over the long term.

I hope that last bit makes sense, it is what REALLY got me excited about the program!

Hope you found this helpful.

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